The Best Paint Color Choices for Your Kitchen: Exposure Matters

November 6, 2014

Before calling the painting contractor, it’s a good idea to be aware of the desired end result. There are many elements working together to create the final effect, and they all need to be considered before beginning interior painting. How the paint is exposed to light is one of the most influential factors to consider before making your final color choices. Various areas of the kitchen can be exposed to different levels of light throughout the day. To make the most of this exposure, here are some tips for choosing kitchen paint colors.

Changing Paint Colors

Remember, sunlight comes in through kitchen windows at various intensities during the daytime. Natural light comes in at different angles throughout the day and creates varying shadows. Color reflects light, and this determines what it looks like to the naked eye. Light can cause colors to be deceiving, and even though they match under one type of light, they may not be compatible in a different light. Knowing how the light moves through the kitchen area is essential for knowing what colors look well together.

Selecting Paint Colors

It’s best not to choose your paint colors while in the store. To get a good idea of how colors work once they’re on your walls, use paint samples. Use samples of interior paint to test swatches in various areas of the kitchen so the shades can be observed under different light conditions. Note how the colors are influenced throughout the day by the changing light.

Using Warm Paint Colors

It’s common for warmer colors to be used in the kitchen. Natural, earth tones help take us back to simpler days where meals where cooked over open fires. Reds and oranges have been said to increase appetites, which makes them good choices for interior house painting, especially in the dining room and kitchen. However, mixing in some neutral colors or even cool greens or blues can create the perfect atmosphere.

Painting More than Walls

Look past the walls for areas to paint in the kitchen. Other elements that may look great painted include cabinets, chairs and tables or other decorative features like trim. If a chosen color is not going to work for painting the walls, it might look wonderful on some other feature. Always test the interior color in an inconspicuous spot before painting to see if it’s going to be the perfect fit for the project.

Is it time to choose the perfect color for your kitchen? To speak to a professional interior painter at Shoreline Painting and Drywall in Connecticut about color options, contact us.

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